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The source of theses pages is the excellent Tcl/Tk Quick Reference Guide.
I apologize , because there're some tex commands in the text, if you see some error please send me an email

Basic Tcl Language Features

The only data type in Tcl is a string. However, some commands will interpret arguments as numbers/boolean in which case the formats are quad Integer: 123 0xff (hex) 0377 (octal). quad Floating Point: 2.1 3. 6e4 7.91e+16 quad Boolean: true false 0 1 yes no Tcl makes the following backslash substitutions: $ackslash$a $ackslash$b $ackslash$f $ackslash$n $ackslash$r $ackslash$t $ackslash$v
audible alert (0x7) $ackslash$space space
backspace (0x8) $ackslash$newline space
form feed (0xC) $ackslash$ddd octal value (d=0-7)
newline (0xA) $ackslash$xdd hexadecimal value (d=0-9, a-f)
carriage return (0xD) $ackslash$c replace `$ackslash$c` with `c`
horizontal tab (0x9) $ackslash$$ackslash$ a backslash
vertical tab (0xB)

The source of theses pages is the excellent Tcl/Tk Quick Reference Guide.