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  Puts bugs
 The following Tcl procedure may fail on Windows NT, depending on the amount of data written to the file: 

proc testPuts { fileName output times } {
set fileID [ open $fileName w ]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $times } { incr i } {
puts $fileID $output
close $fileID

When it fails, there are only a couple of characters in the output file (basically garbage). The Tcl error reports back: 

error writing "fileX": No error

For example, if I call: 

testPuts {C:/TestFile} {HI THERE} 455

it works perfectly well. However, if I call: 

testPuts {C:/TestFile} {HI THERE} 456

it fails. 

You can work around this bug by flushing the file descriptor after each puts call, like the following: 

proc testPuts { fileName output times } {
set fileID [ open $fileName w ]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $times } { incr i } {
puts $fileID $output
flush $fileID
close $fileID

The big question is whether this is a bug in Tcl or Windows NT 3.51. Has anyone seen this before or have any related information?
If it is a bug in Windows NT, will Tcl7.5b2 handle this? 

-Brian L. Rubow